Monday, December 9, 2019

Why We are Episcopalians “Our Bounden Duty”

The Episcopal Church often speaks of our life as a “journey.”  We journey toward God and we journey toward spiritual well-being. Our journey is facilitated and encouraged by walking the Jesus path—by doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God.

And while we have no requirements for membership, Episcopalians share a language of belonging and duty when we describe members as Baptized, Confirmed, and Members in Good Standing.  I have spoken often of the marks of Christian discipleship.  These marks are an extension of our bounden duty listed in our catechism.  We may be members of a parish without following these marks, but our journey is made more fruitful and worthwhile if we submit to the expectations Christ placed on his disciples—on you and me.

“It is the duty of all Christians to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship, to work, pray, and give for the spread of the Kingdom of God.”  (BCP, 856).  This is the crux of our "bounden duty" and I elaborate by adding study of Scripture and participating in Christian fellowship.

Episcopalians do not engage in superficial evangelism, or political preaching—nor do we equate personal prosperity or success with the Gospel.  The Episcopal church is one of dedicated people—laity and clergy—striving to build a better world by receiving God’s love, loving each other, and returning that love to God through a genuine, intentional spirituality.

Father Mark +

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