Sunday, May 31, 2015

We Are Sanctified

During the life of our nation more than half a million Americans have died in the conduct of war throughout the world. We remember all those who have died in the defense of freedom wherever those conflicts arise. We give thanks for brave soldiers, sanctified by their willingness to die for us—not themselves.

Christ calls us to be sanctified—made perfect, good, hallowed, blessed, pure, and holy. If we live according to the power of the Spirit we are led to a life as children of God, turning away from the deeds of the body—human weakness.  While not themselves sinful, by following these actions we allow sin to control and have domination over us and turn us away from God’s desire for our lives.

If we live according to the flesh we die. For to live for those things that are temporary, transitory, or “of this world”, we ignore God and indulge in those things which please ourselves without thinking of others.  And if we please ourselves and not others—we displease God. Brave Christians are sanctified by Christ by living a pure life without selfishness but with regard for others before themselves.

As we struggle in these present times to do for others rather than doing for ourselves, we experience the tension felt between today's suffering and tomorrow’s hope of Eternal life in the world to come with God.


Father Mark+

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