Sunday, May 3, 2015

Trial by combat

In a one-hour episode, Game of Thrones can touch on many interesting legal issues. For instance, when the government's dragons snatch and charbroil your flock of goats, you can recover damages under the common law theory of "trover”, an action to recover the value of goods wrongfully converted to another's own use.

Queen Mhysa isn't being nice, she just has a competent understanding of tort law. And she holds the whip.

Of far more importance to medieval justice is the idea of "trial by combat." Apparently, any accused person can claim this "right," and have a champion fight on their behalf to determine their guilt or innocence.

Think Coca—Cola and Pepsi duking it out with proxy champions in the Octagon rather than with lawyers in $1,500 suits in the courtroom.

Jesus is always more able and ready to represent us in trial by combat because we would never be able to overcome the challenges of the enemy on our own. Our Good Shepherd stands tall against all comers in the battle between good and evil. Our Champion has been anointed for battle through his death, resurrection, and ascension, thereby assuring us of a heaven here and now, and eternal life in the days to come.    


Father Mark+

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