Sunday, November 1, 2015

Be the disciple Christ calls you to be!

“The Lord said to Moses, … ‘anyone who is clean and is not on a journey, and yet refrains from keeping the passover, shall be cut off from the people for not presenting the Lord’s offering at its appointed time.”   (Num. 9:13)

In our Wednesday Bible study we read this passage from Numbers where God instructs the Israelites on proper etiquette for keeping the passover to the Lord.  After the sole sanctuary had been built the slaughter of animals became sacred and sacrificial since they were killed at the altar.  Therefore, impurity became an issue and Israelites who were unclean or traveling and didn’t observe the passover were cut off before the Lord. The crucial importance of the passover offering to members of the community is reflected in this command.

There are things in our churches today that are of crucial importance to our community. What comes to my mind are the six signs of discipleship and the giving of our treasure for God’s work through St. Andrew’s parish.  Stewardship is the main work of the church. It is what we do with all we have—all the time. It is focusing on the gifts God has given us and how we use and invest those gifts and treasures. But mostly, the work of the church is to grow true stewards.

This is what concerns me. In the spirit of discipleship, our parish has been entrusted with the things of our faith: the Good News that God’s love abounds, grace that is freely offered to all people, knowledge that the kingdom of God is truly among us and within us, and that in Christ death no longer has dominion over us. We are not alone in this trust, but if we fail our sacred obligations who will step up and take our place? Who will continue in the prayers and in the teaching?   We are approaching the end of the church year and moving into Advent and the people of St. Andrew’s are behind in their commitments to God and the church by nearly twenty-thousand dollars; commitments that were made and have not been honored!

But unlike Moses, you will not be cut-off from the Sacraments if you made a commitment to tithe your income to the church and cannot fulfill that commitment.  But there is time.  If you are not able to meet you commitment by year-end, call your rector or vestry member and let them know your situation.  Your tithe is only a part of your plan to be a better disciple—albeit an important part!

So, continue in your prayers and study. Come to worship whenever you are able. Serve somebody, and continue to fellowship with other like-minded Christians. Be the disciple Christ calls you to be!

Father Mark+

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